We are pleased to introduce Text To Speech (Read-Aloud) capability in v1.5.0.0 of Life Journal!
The Play button appears right above the entry editor (to the left of the Distraction Free Editor button).
Playing an entry: Clicking on the Play button will initiate a read out of your current entry.
Pausing a playing entry: To pause the read out, simply click the button again (which will be showing a pause icon).
Resuming a paused entry: Once paused, you can resume read-out again by clicking the same button (which will now be showing a resume icon)
Stopping Read-Aloud: At any time, right clicking the play/pause/resume button will Stop the read-aloud.
How does this work?
Life Journal leverages the Speech API that comes with Microsoft Windows.
Changing Text To Speech Settings:
Go into Control Panel and search for Speech:
Click on the Change text to speech settings and change the settings: